The House of Grimassi is a Mystery Tradition Fellowship dedicated to the preservation of ancestral wisdom as reflected in ancient European beliefs and practices. The Fellowship is a pathway referring people to educational opportunities for study and practice as imparted in keeping with ancient tradition. The foundation of the teachings offered is rooted in the concept of the earth as a living and conscious being, with whom we must all live with in common cause. One of the goals of the Fellowship is to direct people to training opportunities that help teach the Priestesshood and Priesthood of Witchcraft. Training in this regard focuses on preparing men and women to improve their working knowledge of the Old Ways and to further develop community service skills. The various branches of the House of Grimassi are devoted to helping individuals develop their spirituality, magical skills, literary knowledge, and personal empowerment. The directing elders and founders of the Fellowship are Raven Grimassi and Stephanie Taylor-Grimassi. The original Fellowship was founded in 2002 and was then know as the College of the Crossroads.