There are popular misunderstandings of my teachings, and it’s been suggested that it’s far past time to address them constructively. So, here I go.  I note that many people read into my words things that I don’t believe I’ve said, and certainly things I do not believe in myself.  While there are some people who benefit from misunderstanding me for personal reasons, I’d like to believe that the majority prefer the facts.  Hence my reason for writing this blog.
One of the things I often talk about is the benefit of traditional training.  I believe it has value and is important.  If you want to misunderstand what I’m saying, then read this as though I mean it’s the best and only way you’ll ever learn anything.  That’s a very popular way to misunderstand me, and by doing so you can belong to a large club!  But, if you prefer to understand what I actually mean, all you need to do is read each word without adding anything to it.  Because what I actually mean is that I believe traditional training is beneficial.  I don’t believe it’s the only way to learn or achieve your goals.
What I do know about traditional training is that it’s a faster way of learning and achieving expertise in ritual and magic than is trial and error.  For example, by analogy if I train under a Master Woodcarver, I can learn wood carving faster than by taking a Learning Annex class, reading some woodcarving books, and whittling away for hours over months and months, trying to make it all work out right.  Can I skip the Master Woodcarver and learn to carve wood on my own – of course!   But the Master knows things that maybe aren’t in the books, and things that can save time and make your own work better than you could at first imagine on your own.  But yes, you can say “Fuck you , Master Wood Carver” and do whatever you want.  It’s your life and your time, and so there you go.  But may I suggest that you don’t be pissed at the Master for advertising Wood carving classes and existing in your neighborhood.  He has as much right to do his thing as you do.
Here’s another easy way to misunderstand me.  When I say that initiators within a Mystery Tradition can guide you into a realization of the inner mysteries, read that as though I’m saying you cannot ever discover them on your own.  That’s a really effortless way for you to walk away thinking I’m an elitist know-it-all who considers you to be a wandering idiot.  Can’t be easier than that.  But, if you prefer to understand what I’m really saying, again just read the words.  Because what I said is that initiators can, and I didnot say you cannot.
You see, what I believe is that someone who has already penetrated the Mysteries can direct you in time saving ways by helping you avoid dead ends and time consuming labyrinths of study that are not necessary to arriving at your own enlightenment.  Such initiators can help you fine tune things, and help you have a clearer idea of things as you shape your own vision of the inner mysteries and your own connection to them.  But, you can certainly say “Fuck you, initiator of the Mystery Tradition” and take as many years as it takes to arrive at where he or she can lead you to in mere months, not years. An easy way to misunderstand that last statement is to regard it as snarky as opposed to what it actually is, which is a consideration of simple practicality.
In closing, the most effective way to maintain a misunderstanding of me is to disregard and reject the rest of this blog.
You see, I am actually trying to be helpful with my views, writings, and what I teach in workshops and classes. I believe that all the decades of my own training and experience have likely produced some things that can add to your own experiences in some useful way.  I don’t feel better or superior than anybody – I just know that I’ve learned some things that maybe others have yet to encounter.  In other words, I’m an old witch, but not a useless one.  You can regard me as outdated, but the truth is that I engage in the currents that flow through time from the ancestral spirit that whispers in our blood to each of us.  That is timeless.
I believe in the things I write about, and I have a passion for them. I am proud to have studied under the Masters who taught me the Ways that were passed to me, and I feel fulfilled to be where I am in life at this point.  But no one ever stops learning, and yet at various times we can pause for reflection and acknowledge our own achievements.
It has never been my intention to be offensive, insulting or demeaning to anyone in anything I have written or teach.  I respect the experience others have had, but like my own, I believe there is more to learn. We can all learn from each other, that’s one of the gifts the gods have given us by putting us together here in this material realm. I have my place and you have yours.  We can be allies if we chose to understand one another.