Inner Mysteries Course of Study

  NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION  and LESSONS BEGIN MAY 2017 The Inner Mysteries: Understanding the Mystical Foundation of pre-Christian European Concepts Email Course of Study  You’ve no doubt heard the term “Inner Mysteries” but have thought about...

The Value of Tradition

OLD WORLD WITCHCRAFT- The Value of Tradition In a metaphorical sense, I often envision Witchcraft (and Wicca) as a large ancient tree.  The roots of a tree are not readily evident, but they are the oldest part.  They represent tradition.  In each season...

Spirit of the Witch

  Spirit of the Witch: “The following opening story is fictional but the truth it conveys is real and viable.  Many centuries ago there lived a woman who was a great spiritual teacher.  She drew many seekers to the teachings she revealed, and around her...

The Witch Charm

  The word ‘cimaruta” means “a sprig of rue” and in olde times identified the wearer as a member of the Society of Diana, Queen of the Witches. The cimaruta bears the following symbols. Rooster-Head – dispels the forces of darkness; Dagger...

Wielding the Traditional Tools of Witchcraft

This is a six month Course of Study on the use of ritual and magical tools. It is ideal for beginners and intermediary practitioners alike. The course covers the nature of the Four Elements as empowering forces that can be wielded by ritual tools. The preparation,...