Spirit of the Witch

What is the “spirit” of the Witch? Raven’s book looks at the spiritual life of one walking the Path of the Witch.


Spirit of the Witch:

“The following opening story is fictional but the truth it conveys is real and viable.  Many centuries ago there lived a woman who was a great spiritual teacher.  She drew many seekers to the teachings she revealed, and around her formed a group of devoted disciples.  After many years of study the disciples left and journeyed to other lands hoping to spread the teachings they had learned.

The years went by and one day the disciples returned and sought their old teacher.  Once they found her, the disciples posed a question to the master.  ‘We have’ their spokesperson remarked ‘traveled to many lands, and discovered many different teachings that are unlike the ways you have taught us.’  The master calmly nodded in acknowledgement, and the disciple continued ‘Therefore we are confused, so can you tell us what is the true religion?’

The master looked up with a patient smile and replied ‘All of the religions of the world are like individual pearls.  Each of them formed around a differ grain of sand, in different waters, under different conditions.’  Then the master looked directly at the spokesperson and spoke softly saying ‘But if you ask me which is the true pearl, I will tell you that none of them are the one true pearl.  Instead it is the thread that runs through them, holding them together as a necklace, and that is the one truth you seek.”