
This amazing image will grace a postcard on one side with a special evocation imprinted on the reverse. Artwork by Jane Starr Weils.

Communing with the ancestorsExciting things are happening here at the House of Grimassi. Today, we received two large boxes containing the copies of Raven’s latest book, Communing with the Ancestors: Your Spirit Guides, Bloodline Allies, and the Cycle of Reincarnation. We will begin shipping out the pre-orders this Friday, February 5. If you haven’t already placed your order for this book, you can get it from our online store, Raven’s Loft. (

Customers who order directly through us will also receive a beautiful postcard with artwork from the talented artist, Jane Starr Weils on one side and an evocation written by Raven imprinted on the reverse.