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In light of uncertain times ahead, I offer the “Teachings of the Tree”

This is something I wrote some time ago, but I think is timeless. It is what I believe is worthy of attainment even though we may stumble along the Path.

The Teachings of the Tree – A Greenwood Perspective

* Have a position with deep roots in your understanding of it, and stand firm in your place within the world.

* Reach upward to touch lofty things, and outward to extend yourself to the world.

* Provide shade for those who need rest, and shelter for those who come to you.

* Bear fruit, and be abundant.

* In the Winters of your life, conserve your resources.

* In your Springs, take advantage of the opportunities for new growth.

* In your Summers, expand, thrive, and reach new heights.

* In your Falls, release what no longer serves, make preparations, and await renewal.

* When all is said and done, leave behind some seeds.